After going to bed really late… waiting another hour for my bride to join me, after a brutal day swimming and a lot to drink – I battled through an absolutely miserable nights sleep to get up to another gray over cast day. The plan was to get in a walk before my Bride got up and was ready for breakfast….. but it just didn’t happen. I hurt from tired sore muscles that aren’t used to doing what they been doing…. not getting any sleep to speak of and just feeling mostly like BLAH…… Angie finally rolled out…. we spent some time on line and had ‘breakfast‘ around Noon. I piddled a little bit, trying to get the 2nd bedroom emptied and clean before settling in for some Netflix. That led into dinner and a little bit of Designated Survivor (our newest series we are enjoying) and now on here with you. Doing my evening ‘stuff’ I just saw where the hotel we were supposed to be staying at for this last trip back [that got cancelled] has inexplicably decided to charge us the $800 for our ‘stay’ even though Expedia and the hotel each assured me last week – the stay had been cancelled and there would be no charge. I am beginning to believe that Expedia sucks as bad as Delta does when it comes to customer service – so I guess I get to spend most of tomorrow morning on the phone with those bunch of a$$-hats trying to get my money back……… for Pete’s sake~!!!
I updated my dive log to reflect a more accurate count of my certified dives. In doing so, found out that a couple of the dives I have logged, don’t really count. So now instead of being 2 dives away from my 200th dive – I am now 7 dives away. Not really an issue with my photog job —- and I feel a little better now that I am playing by the rules…. I can still log the time dived – just not as an official dive. I still have lots of new photo’s to put up – so I feel good about that too…… really no words left for tonight……….
Good Night Ya’ll ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Thankx for stopping in~!