Up fairly early this morning after going to bed a lot earlier than usual. Sitting here doing my thing when I get a ping from the owner of the dive shop I frequent a lot. Instructor was doing a Rescue Diver course – and she would really like pictures of it. Tinkled pink she called me for it. Even though really short notice – I jumped at the chance. My bride was still in the bedroom slumbering away in that wonderfully cool bedroom. I gathered up my stuff and prepared to head out when she finally came stumbling out. I had time to have a coff of cuppee with her and a smoke, before loading all my stuff in the truck and head out the drive way. I’m not sure why she ‘enjoys’ me running off to dive – just really happy she does and the fact she lets me indulge in the sport/hobby. Is it a sport….or a hobby ? I took the road up over the mountain they call ‘The Beast‘….. a viscous kind of hill [small mountain] made only slightly better by the fact they repaved half of it. It is routinely used in the cycling portion of the annual Triathlon they have on the island every year. You may have seen pictures from the last couple from me, as I always volunteer to be a Safety Diver for the swimming part of the race. Sadly, because of the ‘virus’….. I think the event is being cancelled this year…….. [don’t get me started]……..
I showed up at Cane Bay just time for the instructor [Jeff] to start his class. Sure am glad I was just taking pictures….. I still haven’t forgotten how tough and grueling that class was. VERY tough and grueling. I spent the next 4 hours swimming over, under and around and through 3 students and the instructor taking pictures. In all – I took right at 300 pictures….. done editing I wound up with 214 pictures. Suzanne should have lots of pictures to choose from. I will put a handful of them up on Cane Bays FB page…. and will use some for my FB page and my blog – but the bulk will go to Suzanne for whatever she wants to do with them on a flash drive……..
I have ‘fun’ dive scheduled for in the morning with Shawn and his Daughter, off the boat – a two tank dive. I can’t wait. I’m gonna do my best to make a dive every day this week…. or at least something close to it, to make up for my virus time mulling around thinking about boat diving……. So I should have LOTS of new pictures for you for a while.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!