After another presentable nights sleep (sans A/C) – up with the sun and ready for today. Has to be better than yesterday turned out to be. I wanted to get an early start on my project in town, in case something unexpected come up. LOL…. Turns out I should have went in about Midnight….. I should have known by now, working on any building, especially an older one, on this island…. something is going to come up~! I was not disappointed. Sure am glad I didn’t estimate this job… I would have lost my a$$ on it. I finally had to admit that I was going to wind up killing myself (or risk at least a serious injury) if I didn’t get some kind of help. I called my Queen, who had already made a run or two to bring me things I needed, that I had forgot. She was happy to come in and help me (I think) 😉 For the next 3-4 hours we worked on getting that ceiling up. Nothing….. let me emphasize NOTHING went like it should have. Nothing is square or plumb, there are no cross members between the rafters…… nothing. I am not exactly sure how the sheet rock is staying up there~! But drawing on years of experience (and getting MUCH longer screws…. my plan started coming together. My bride starting getting the hang of what I needed her to do and before you knew it all the metal was up on the ceiling. Yay~! By now, it was fairly late in the afternoon and I was pooped. I sent Angie on back to the house, put batteries on charge, put the extra metal away and general organizing of my tools – and crawled my happy tired touchas into my truck to join her. Happily back at our little abode, a quick smoke and a drink made and here I be. Making us some hotdogs, because we’re both too tired to fool with any thing else and thoroughly enjoying having my happy tired touchas in a chair~! Best part of the day ? (obviously besides having my bride working with me) Not once did I think about the mess from yesterday. Never entered my mind until I got back here and saw my email again…….. So – a busy mind does help. I was supposed to dive in the morning, but I have already called the shop and told them I’m out until I get the job finished. Which hopefully is tomorrow. Then I’m gonna dive my brains out~!! 🙂 So for now, some older pictures you may have missed…. don’t want to put up job pictures until it’s done… and a MUCH needed shower for me.
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!
One lone little Papaya on this tree….