Another night of conditioned air sleep because of low winds and a little higher humidity than normal……. Awoke reasonably refreshed from a couple of semi hectic days……… a really slow start to the morning…. and against my preferred judgement… I ‘made’ myself get up and put on decent shoes and took off for a walk. I wound up having to ‘call an audible’ on my route, as the one I had planned on looking at my map – apparently no longer existed. Dammit Emmit – no worries….. My new path took me on a longer than expected route…. but only by a couple fractions of a mile, but longest to date. I did get a bunch of fun pictures, but they are slim because my first half mile of every route starts out down the same patch of road. Got in close to 2¾ of a mile and wound up walking through town getting some fun glimpses of island history. Back and showered…. I had a sammich left over from last nights get together while I edited pictures. It got to be well into the afternoon and we were due to head out to a gathering of the ‘Blues crew’ for a bit of a reunion. [Birthday boy] Shawn was supposed to join us – but because of issues with the airlines tryin’ to get his kids here on the island to see him – he got stuck at the house. Now I have always figured ‘a feller needs to have cake on his birthday’. We had one and a small gift for him we intended to give him when he got here – however – so I took off up that nasty piece of crap they call a road to their house. I delivered a[nother] ½ a sammich, a birthday cake [with candle, one each] and a small gift of what is supposed to be a couple of fairly decent cigars. I lit the candle and made him make a wish – wished him well and came back and gathered up my bride to head to mid-island for said reunion…
Late, in typical island fashion (and then some) – we showed up with several other fashionably late folks. The reunion was well under way. There was not a single mask to be seen…. there were hand shakes, hugs, kisses and fist bumps…… it was wonderful. If any of you reading this are shocked or disgusted by it… {{sorry}} – all of us [there at the party] think the whole COVID thing is a farce……For the next several hours everyone hung out and just had a blast…… and boy-howdy, was it nice~! Now that we are official ‘West enders’ – we have that nasty 30 minute night drive back to the house……. especially if you have had a ‘drink or two‘ 😉 A couple of friends pinged us to make sure we got home okay – – – you can feel the love even after the party. Enough for tonight. I [oddly] turned down a chance to take pictures for 11 divers tomorrow because of obligations I made to a friend to do some work for him tomorrow….. there will be lots of other chances……
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!
Laying on the ground and growing like ahell
Have NO idea what these are- yet
My route this morning~~~
Quite the view ( Buck Island in the background)
A very politically INcorrect crowd….. love it…