Another quiet day in the midst of this virus here on the island…. not a fan. Our early morning start to get DD taken out and cleaned got nixed fairly quick as we sat and enjoyed a quiet leisurely morning. The realization that it was Good Friday and most operations here on the island that weren’t already shut down from the virus, went ahead and shut down for the long Easter weekend. As I alluded to yesterday, Easter here on the island is a really big deal normally. Probably 50% of the population “moves” out to the beach for the weekend and it’s just one big party. The Governor has already nixed that by closing the beaches and deploying the National Guard to ensure the edict is obeyed….. but I digress, because we ‘figured’ none of the car washes (another term I have to use very loosely) would be opened, we sat and enjoyed our morning and the nice cool breeze that had moved into our part of the island this morning. It got to be 10:00ish or so and we were both hungry…. I recommended another to go order from Polly’s and it was agreed. I placed our order and hardly before I could make the 4 minute drive into town – it was ready…… and every bit as delicious as the first time, only this time – I did manage a couple of pictures 😉 The rest of the day was slow and tame. I did manage to get the A/C dude out here, after his guarantee he was perfectly healthy. He looked at what I was after and said he would get me a quote. I’m afraid it’s gonna be a lot more than I want – but I have to do what I have to do……. but no snap decisions…..
Even though it has cooled off nicely this evening, the breeze has laid down and the fans are now out and going. We are now watching Outlander, season 1, episode 14 and it’s getting weirder as it goes….. and that’s being polite. We’re still watching it though (so far). That’s about it for today….. couple of new pictures…. see the captions under them for explanations.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Menus from our new breakfast place – thought you might enjoy looking at it – one of the few places on the island reasonably priced~!
They also have lots of specialty items…. can’t wait to try this one~!
The view from Polly’s
The Henhouse Waffle breakfast – a favorite~!! MmMm Good~!
Our kitchen screen door – had a lot of rust on it… 🙁
After – My Queen cleaned it – looks good as new~! (we have a cracker jack rust remover)