After another decent nights sleep and a scrumptious breakfast whooped up by my Queen before settling into the couch for some more Scandal…….. My conscious got the best of me after a couple of episodes and I finally convinced myself to sit down and start working on taxes…..UGGHHhhhh….. I have been putting it off using every excuse in the book….. but as you should well know – only two things in this world you can’t get out of…… death and taxes….. both kind of the same things to me – but that’s a whole other blog. Most of my ‘important’ tax type paperwork I get digitally, which makes it easy to save into my tax file, but I had a pile of envelopes that I got in the mail as well, that finally stopped growing. I had to sort through them, scan them all into my computer and then save them into my tax file – so I could upload all of them into my tax preparers server, so she can start that process. I have the nasty, nasty feeling that we are going to get our collective a$$e$ handed to us this year. Long story that I won’t go into – but I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty……… time will tell. I finally got all that done and since I was in that particular state of mind – I started working on the taxes for the Veterans organization that I am the treasurer for. I dread doing those almost as bad as my own….. but again, it has to be done. Just about the time I launched into them, I got a ping from our Island Kids saying they were going to be in our part of the island and was wondering if they could stop by and borrow my spray painter. “Sure – come on by” Shortly afterwards a knock on the door and here they be……. We sat and chatted and caught up a little bit and before you know it, drinks were made and we were all out on the patio enjoying our view and each others company……. drinks, some munchies (meatballs), good chat, more drinks and a short 5 hours or so later, I finally told them they needed to go home…… (in a nice kind of way) 😉 Besides, we were mostly out of booze at that point (mostly, never completely out) and my tired old a$$ was ready to relax a little bit…… besides – I had to get this written~~~ So kids on their way home….. my bride is sitting quietly on the couch playing her game and I’m chatting with you now……… Gonna have to go grocery [and booze] shopping tomorrow… and a few other odds and ends that just did not happen today…… but that’s tomorrow….. for now, gonna give you a break on the sailing pictures and put up some shots from my last dive…………. (also tying to score a couple of dives for the week) 😉
Good Night Ya’ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thankx for stopping in~!