Another very leisurely day today….kinda what you ‘dream’ retirement is all about….. woke up a touch earlier than I wanted to – to answer the call of nature. I did not get up any at all last night, so not terribly upset about getting up a skosh early for that……. First part of the morning reserved for catching up on world news (for me) and then all things that is FB. About time my Bride started a nice breakfast of French Toast…. I got the few essentials out of the way and then started in looking at plane tickets, hotels and cars for a trip back to the land of plenty. E-Gads….. every time I look at this, the price goes up to $200-$300 dollars~! Where in the hell are the savings for booking early???? Eventually sat down to our scrumptious breakfast…. got in an episode or 4 of Scandal, before I got up and came back to the computer. One of the things I have been wanting to do, is lay out a map of the area we covered on our sail trip. I finally got that done today…… probably not 100% accurate, but it ought to be fairly close. I will include the picture of it on tonight’s post, so you can get an idea of where all we went. Again – I think there were a few more small islands we stopped at, but this will give you the gist of it. I also logged back into my travel sites to check on tickets again……. Jumpin Ja-oseph-fat~! First site says prices were up another $300~! Just a friggin’ minute~!!!!! I went to the second site I use a lot…… saw a little better flight times, same hotel rates and a better deal on a car for a little less money this time……. I caved and went for it….. so, we now have plane tickets, hotel room and a car confirmed for our next visit back to the states. For those of you that are interested….. we will get in on the evening of the 2nd (of June) and will fly out early on the morning of the 9th (of June). We will probably spend a night in the Cincinnati area one night in the middle of that – but if you are gonna be in the Vanderburgh / PoCo area around then – maybe we could meet up for a drink somewhere if you’re interested… just ping me and let me know. It’s gonna be a fairly busy schedule, but will be glad to try and carve out a little time for you……. Until then —- more sailing pictures…………..
Good Night Ya’ll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thank for stopping in~!