Up and about after a reasonably decent night…. we both went ‘downtown’ for a hair appointment. My Queen was having her usual stuff done and I needed trimmed up as my hair [both of them] was getting out of control. I sat patiently as Gail put in roughly a half a box of aluminum foil onto my Queens cranium while ‘painting’ it with what looked like what can only be described as wall paper glue. That concoction had to sit for 20 minutes or so, which was about the perfect amount of time needed to get my wild and untamed locks whipped back into submission. As soon as Gail was done with me…. I moseyed off in search of a beer and a burger, as I was starving at that point. I was told it would be about 40 minutes or so before Angie was done….. So I waited 90 minutes before going to search for my bride. ( I had more than one beer) 😉 She was just finishing up as I walked back into the salon. I gathered her up and headed back to the condo to get cleaned up and ready to head up to Blues.
They had what I believe to be a record crowd up there tonight…. guesstimating 125+ people or so. Kept the bar hopping, but kept the food staff hopping even more so…… more eaters than drinkers tonight. Blues normally shuts down at 8:00 pm on Thursdays, but we didn’t get out of there until well after 9:10…… and my knees and back are telling me about it. Back here, I have already popped 3 Anacin and ready for a shower and some sleep…… so I’m gonna quit right here.
Another night up at Blues tomorrow for Valentines….. will be more server type stuff tomorrow night….. I’ll celebrate Valentines with my Queen later….. for now…
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!