I had CRABBS……

Enjoying a long peaceful day yesterday, taking it easy from a fun night the night before up at Blues. Just about the time I would have started thinking about writing my Blog, my bride reminded me that we had a dive club meeting (CRABBS) to go to. Dammit Emmit – not sure how I managed to forget about that – but I did, so I had to scramble to get paperwork I needed printed out and get cleaned up and ready to head out. A nice turn out and the meeting went a little long. I hung out afterward chatting with some friends and wound up getting just a little bit snockered…… so by the time I got home all I wanted to do was crash….. I jumped on FB to post pictures on the clubs FB page and then promptly fell into bed….. so, sorry about that, but you’ll have that ever now and again.

Today was kind of a repeat of yesterday, except I did get out to run laundry up. We haven’t had it done in quite a while, and we needed clean drawers and such to get ready for our up coming trip…… so I came back and had a bite to eat while we watched a whole bunch of our newest series. Scandal – recommended by my # 1 fan Vera — It could have a little more action in it – but we both like it now and get more and more into with each episode. We are just about to wrap up season # 2 now.

I eventually got up and ran up to pick up laundry, came back and we put everything away before settling down to some smashed taters, green beans and Salisbury steaks…. man I love them things~! Figured I better get on here and sound off a little bit. Might miss the next couple of nights, as we will be working up at Blues for Valentines and some more of Mama’s Black Sheep….. so better get a word in when I can. I’ll do my best to try and get something up here for you though~~~

Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > >  Thankx for stopping ~!

Queen Angel Fish
Squirrel Fish (big one) and Smooth Trunk Fish
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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

2 thoughts on “I had CRABBS……”

  1. Great pictures as usual, figured would do on here this time instead of personal message,,,,which would you prefer? Just wanted to say, again, proud you are involved with things there, and know sometimes hard to make meetings, but glad you make the effort and go,,,,so many people do nothing after they retire,,,I don’t think they live as long, and certainly do not use their talents as they could, I can’t talk, as seems I haven’t done much in years, but when I could still drive, had good use of arms and legs, shoulders,, etc,,I was very active, no excuse, I know Veterans with a lot more disability than me and they do everything,,, so not complaining, just glad you have found your niche on the Island,…. really wanted to tell you, glad you like Scandal,,,,,you think not enough action,,,it gets so bad and goes so dark, I could hardly watch in later seasons, yet,,,couldn’t wait until the next week,,then swore no more,,,yet by show time was so ready to see what next,,,it really has so many twists and turns, keeps you guessing, I thought great acting and she is a great writer, so, glad you are enjoying, ..keep me posted when gets into crazy stuff,,,I would say,,, WHAT,,,, then watch again, you may think,,,,WHAT,,,,, and not want to watch anymore, very, different, and definitely SCANDAL. Rainy, yucky Indiana weather all day and going to flood again,,,, plus getting down to 11 degrees tomorrow night, …. if it going to be so lousy,,, I want snow, …..That’s it,,, just checking in with you, keep writing and keep pictures coming,,, vj

    1. Hi Vera –
      Glad you are still liking the pictures. I’m getting slightly fewer of them now as I get more and more particular about what I “Like”. At some point I’m gonna have to give up my little camera and opt for something with better capabilities if I want my picture quality to keep improving. Kind of a curse sometime, always striving for perfection….. I kinda think that’s why me and Chop got along so well…. at work he always pushed people to do better. One of the many things I liked about him and [again] I think the main reason we got along so well. May have had the age difference, but still cut from the same bolt of cloth…..
      We like SCANDAL more and more and well into season # 3 now. Because there is no cursing in it, it just doesn’t strike me as being “real”, especially in that environment. Scary to think that, that is how our government is actually run, but I some how believe, it doesn’t miss the mark by much.
      Just back from working up at Blues — and we’re both beat. Gotta get a shower and some sleep and be ready to do it again tomorrow night for the big Valentines day gig they have planned up there. Gonna leave it here with you…
      Personally I prefer notes on here versus private messages on FB – I tend to miss the private messages a lot…. these on here I always get but whatever you prefer to do is fine with me as I always enjoy hearing from you. Take care.

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