Again, another miserable night of trying to sleep. Not sure what is causing it, but the novelty has about worn off. Up to more clouds and intermittent rain showers. I had a meeting to go to that my Bride opted not to attend. Getting plans put together for another year with the Fish With A Vet group. Plans laid out and discussed and we’re ready to move forward to support the veterans here on the island.
Back here, I did some follow up paper work and then settled in for some Longmire with my Queen. We actually finished it up. Can’t say that I’m overly sad about it. On to something new now. We watched a movie Angie wanted to watch called Underground 6. It turned out to be not what she thought and every bit as stupid as I was expecting…… guess we’ll have to look at my list of other series to try out.
Swapped several emails with potential job/apartment place out on the West end. They are more interested in hiring me to work than dealing with our apartment hunt. I told them once I find a place to live, I might reach out and see if they still need help. Not looking for work, I’m looking for a place to live dammit~! Besides, that would be a 30 minute commute (1 way) everyday and not sure I want to subject me or my truck to that.
Going out West tomorrow morning to look at a place. I have no idea what it looks like, but it is cheap. Let me say that again…. cheap~! I know that usually doesn’t bode well….. but with the money we could save if we take it – would be mind bending…. we could do a whole lot more traveling~! So depending on what it looks like and has to offer – we may have to suffer through a year or two to help build our finances back up. I’ll let you know. Till then – more dive pictures……
Good Night Ya’ll ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thankx for stopping in~!