Well dammit Emmit…….. after breakfast – I could just not get my a$$ in the mood to do much of anything except sit and watch TV……. so that’s about all I did today. We did have a little bit of fun/excitement to start our day off again though. First trip out to smoke this morning… we saw dozens of little tracks coming from a suspected nest site – we didn’t get to see the actual hatching this time – but the tracks made it obvious we had more babies during the course of the night. Yay~!! On a subsequent trip out to smoke – a small movement caught my eye…. it was a baby turtle… I guess running a little bit late from the rest of his brothers and Sisters…. but he was dutifully making his way to the water just as fast as his little flippers would take him – and right behind him… another little turtle. I ran and got my phone for a picture or two for you. I never get tired of seeing them little dudes~! I made sure they both made it into the water. Rest of the day was pretty tame until I ran my Bride into town around 3:00 for a hair appointment and then sat here dutifully waiting for her to ping me to go pick her up. I sat here for 2 hours just piddling around on line – although I did manage to just about finish our Christmas shopping~! My Bride finally pinged me and said ‘never mind’ – she would get a ride home with Gail…..Dammit Emmit…~! I could have been doing stuff those two hours….. so I jumped up and went out for a smoke and knocked out a little more landscaping while I was out there and then came in and put new insulation around the front door – trying to keep all that wonderful cool [expensive] air, inside the condo….. My bride pinged me and said she was on her way – so I thought I’d get you all a note out real quick before she got here.
Plan is to do all the stuff tomorrow, that I had planned to do today – guess we’ll see how that works out…… 😉
Good Night Ya’ll ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thankx for stopping in~!
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