Up this morning with a list of things in mind that I needed to get done today. A nice small breakfast while we watched Suits….. soooooo easy to get settled into the couch for that show, but after the one episode – I made myself get up and get at it. First stop was the Post Office to pick up a package. That package was something I have been threatening to try for a while…. a ‘My Pillow‘….. I intensely dislike the pillow I am currently using (and the previous 3 or 4 that I have tried) and vowed to find one I do like. They are here and I can’t wait to try it. By morning my current pillow creases and leaves my neck in a weird position that usually results in me waking up with a headache….. so I went on line, answered a half dozen questions and ordered a pillow for me and my Queen. I’ll let you know how that works out.
Second stop was my new garage. I asked John (proprietor) if he was interested in working on DD, as I am about as fed up as I am going to get with the place that has her now. He said he was but needed til Friday to free up a slot to put DD in if I bring her in. So that bought current garage another couple of days.
Third, stopped at drug store for more chemicals. My blood pressure is being a real pain in the touchas trying to get it under control. I stopped to pick up my 4th medication that I will now be taking trying to get my BP in check…… but, I will stay on it until I get it~!
Fourth stop was at garage that has DD. Pleasantly surprised to see the door on her opened up and the hood up. Talking with the guy – he acted like they were really close, but said he needed another key to try. Thankfully I had one on me. I didn’t bother to tell him he only has two more days to screw with it. He promised me a phone call later in the afternoon with an update. That phone call never happened. I don’t know if he forgot, afraid to call or what – but it doesn’t matter – I’m taking the truck Friday regardless where it is at. Enough of that crap~! 2 months! Guess it’s a good thing I went ahead and bought DD 2.0 versus renting a car for that long, as it would have been much more expensive~!
Back to the condo to work most of the afternoon on paperwork for Fish With A Vet as we get closer to our big tournament. It has now been decided, I’m taking some time off from the tournament, to participate in the tournament~! Should be a good time. More dive pictures for you……….
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!