After what has to be in the top 5 worst nights sleep I ever had – I got up to a usually typical gorgeous sunrise. Very happy to see. No new turtle events, but we still have a couple of months for them yet. Out the door by 08:15 and headed for Salt River – a very comfortable 10 minutes down the road. Grabbed my gear and was welcomed aboard the IBIS….. Cane Bay Dive Shop’s boat. A much, much smaller crowd today…. me and 5 other people…… MUCH more to my liking than the 17 other folks I had to deal with on my last dive. Two fun sites today on a calm gorgeous sea. First site was The Pavilions with a wonderful 80′-100′ visibility. I knew it was gonna be a good dive when we dropped straight down onto 3 sharks…… yes~!! Lots and lots and lots of corals and fish to look at. A fun relaxed dive. Back on the boat, we weighed anchor and moved 1/2 mile or so East to the West wall of Salt River — another favorite spot of mine. While visibility wasn’t quite as good – still a spectacular dive with lots of Sea Life….. lobsters, sting rays, barracuda’s….. no sharks though 🙁 Still a very nice dive with lots of pictures for you. Met several folks after the dive, we enjoyed a beer and chatted about the dives. One young nice couple are “old neighbors” hailing from Louisville KY…… one other guy is a Chiropractor new to the island and the sport of SCUBA diving. Looking forward to diving with him again and may even become a potential dive ‘buddy’.
Finally back to the condo….. gear rinsed….. I’ve had my shower and some fabulous wings left over from last night. Showered, relaxed and a full belly….. I’m about ready for a nap…… for about 8 hours 😉 Again, too many pictures from today, so will spread them out over the next several days. Maybe some painting up at Blues for me in the morning…. Doctor’s appointment for my Queen tomorrow (follow up) and a meeting for Adaptive Diving tomorrow night for me. I’ll try and take pictures……
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!