Woke up to an alarm this morning….. every time that happens, I like it less and less….. just a foul evil way to start a day – not exactly sure how I managed to do it for 34+ years…….. Anyhow – got up, got my morning stuff out of the way, charged my camera, grabbed my gear and was out the door by 07:30 leaving my Queen to her own devices…… I’d like to think she enjoys some alone time as much as I do…. Arrived at the pier with a couple of minutes to spare, only to have to sit and wait for another hour and half while I waited on the folks who didn’t feel the need to arrive on time. Then on top of that I found out we weren’t going to be able to dive the promised site (Armageddon) for several BULLSH*T reasons……. but – whadda ya gonna do – I was on the boat, my gear was assembled — so I went where the boat went….. First dive site was called the Deep Wrecks….. a tug boat and a car transport ferry which had been intentionally sank – makes for a fun dive other than the fact there was me and 17 other divers, plus dive masters…… entirely too many friggin’ people – but I tried to make the most of it. I took a bunch of fun pictures….. I haven’t got to look at them yet – as I spent the time with my Queen after I got home instead of uploading pictures.
Second dive site was Alien Nation – I have dove this site 3-4 times and never been a fan of it – but there again, you wind up going where the boat goes. At least this time, the dive master let us roam at our discretion and me and a friend on the dive got to bottle a$$ around and take some ‘artistic’ shots…… so- anxious to see what I wound up with. Finally back here, showered, fed and a “drink or two” – I’m relaxed and ready for bed already…… but gots to upload pictures first…. so I’m gonna sign off here and get that done. Local weather is calling for rain and storms almost all week as Hurricane Jerry and [now] Tropical storm Karen get ready to pound us…… should be an interesting week…….
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!