Didn’t wind up getting to sleep until 01:00 this morning only to be roused much earlier this morning than we wanted by another rendition of girl soccer players and bike riders rattling through the hallways and slamming doors. So this is gonna probably be brief so I can get a shower and get my touchas in the sack. Pretty much everything I had planned for today got blowed right out the friggin window when my Queen decided a different schedule was needed. Please note, I said different, not better~~ 😉 Anyhow- we wound up meeting one of my Sisters for a fun lunch at Lamasco’s – while we drank, nibbled and chatted. A fun 3 hours that just blew past and before we knew it – we had to run off to the next planned event…… some time with Amanda and family now that they are back from their romp in Canada and Chicago. Another couple of hours shot by before we had to take off to have an impromptu birthday party for our Grand son Will. His birthday is not til next weekend… but we won’t be here – so we had our own private little party along with a tasty meal Stephie whipped up. Dinner, cake and watching the boys romp for a while – before we had to scoot from there as well.
It sounds short – but after yesterday – I am whooped. Happily I think my belly is starting to line out (even after the Long John’s Silver last night) and just about in time for our trip back to the island….. which juuuust about figures~~~~but – I think it’ll line out much quicker and better once we are back on the island…… Not a lot of new pictures today– so I’ll try and put up some I think you may have not seen. Tomorrow has the makings of a very long day as we start saying ‘Good-bye’ to everyone….. the not fun part of coming back for a visit……
By-the-way—- if you’re reading this early…… My Queen and I are supposed to be on an episode of Caribbean Life tonight on HGTV….. making a appearance at the end of the St. Croix episode…… 8:00pm on HGTV channel…. give us a watch – it ought to be a hoot.
Happy Birthday Susan~!!
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!

traffic in Indianapolis