Up much earlier than either of us wanted to due a million kids getting up and ready for various competitions that are staying here in the hotel. Finally got up and going and was out the door by 10:00. Jumped in the car and drove for 3.5 hours to just outside of Cincinnati to help one of Angie’s Sisters celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary. We stayed and chatted and caught up with a blue dozen nieces and nephews and in-laws for right at 4 hours – before giving hugs and kisses and crawling back in the car to drive for another 3.5 hours back. I am firmly convinced my a$$ has lost most of the circulation in it by now….. but well worth it. We were going to stay the night there and drive back in the morning…. but that would have short changed our schedule here even worse than it already is…… so we are back now at the hotel in Evansville. Due to continuing GI issues…. I skipped breakfast this morning and passed on the tasty looking meal at the party….. but could not take it any more by the time we got to the hotel, so I stopped and snagged up a couple of pieces of fish and chicken from Long John’s Silvers. I know it’s gonna be a mistake that I am going to pay dearly for (probably in the next hour) but smack my mouth is that some good stuff~! HmMmMmmm~!
Gonna cut this short so I can get in the sack and prepare for tomorrow…. it is already well past my bedtime. I’m thinking I’ll try sleeping on my stomach tonight and see if it will allow some blood circulation in my butt~! 😉
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
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