Actually slept in a little bit this a.m. – and rolled out of bed, not feeling like I had been beaten with a bat all night. Didn’t feel great, not even good – but didn’t feel bad and in my book, at my age with the lifestyle I have lived – I’ll chalk that one up as a win~! Nothing on the books in particular to get accomplished today, I set about my morning routine, only to ‘remember’ that I really needed to do something with DD to keep rain from pouring in during frequent bouts of liquid sunshine. (that’s what we used to called it when I was stationed in Germany and it rained all the time…… liquid sunshine) so – shortly after a tasty breakfast, I lit out for ye old hardware store. I tried the small local one first [nearby] only to find out they only had one of the half dozen items I was after, so I cut across island to the Home Depot store……. jeeez I hate going to that store. Never cared for it to start with, but here on the island….. I absolute dread going to it. I was picking up some stuff to work on DD to keep the rain out. My gut told me to go with what I knew (Bondo) but instead I got what friends and locals referred to as JB Weld……. big mistake, I found out after I had ground down a 2″ square hole in the roof of DD. Long story, shortened….. (I should have went with what I knew)… but I think I have DD once again able to keep the rain on the OUTside of the vehicle….. guess I’ll find out after tonight as TS Dorian is supposed to make her appearance sometime shortly after Midnight.
After working on DD and spending an additional hour working on a couple of the doors in the condo (trying to make them airtight) I finally sat down on the couch with my Bride to enjoy a little rest and let my back calm down a little bit. Before I actually got to do that – it was decided we need to go to Blues for drinks and maybe a bite to eat. Changing clothes, we were soon up at Blues, having drinks and chatting with many friends. A LOT of conversation about Dorian…… wow – I will be the first to admit out loud….. I did not live through either Irma or Maria here on the island, so I cannot speak to what it took to live through what appeared to be a disaster at it’s finest…. and I won’t even try….. but to my humble soul, it seems to me some of these folks are just flat freaking out over the possibility of Dorian hitting the island. If certain people read this, I may up set them, and that is certainly not my intention….. but it just seems to me there is a LOT of un-necessary worrying going on…….. CRAP – I’m already at 500 words with a lot more to ramble about…. so I’ll quit here. It may be to my advantage to ramble more tomorrow after Dorian has blown by…… until then, some random pix and a few more dive pix~~
Good Night Ya’ll < < < < < < < < < < < < < Thankx for stopping in~!