Well today went almost exactly like I suspicioned it would…. FUBAR’d and confusing. Door guys showed up bright and early and waltzed off with our doors. I ‘engineered’ what turned out to be a dang nice suitable replacement to keep salt air out and nice cool conditioned air in…… We had a small breakfast and several more episodes of The Closer until the guys showed back up with our doors…… OMG what a clusterf**k….. I finally jumped in and tried to help these guys, but patio doors are not my thing (apparently not these guys either) and got the doors to where they kind of work. Slightly better than before they fooled with them, so I am not completely PO’ed about it. Here again, one of the things I miss about the land of plenty. If these guys did that kind of work back in the states – they would be drummed out of business in a blink — here…. not so much…. people are actually happy they show up…. happier if they managed to get something accomplished. Around 4:00pm – I finally admitted defeat and told them to go away. I cleaned up their mess and we put the porch back together, I put my tools away that they needed….. just a mess. It really takes it out of me to deal with that kind of incompetence…. and the hell of it is – I now need to work on the doors to try and make them leak proof – because the work they did loused up the seals on the doors. Island life~! That’s one of the things I hate about renting…. we have made a lot of nice improvements to our unit — on our dime. If we owned this, I would have put new doors in, no questions asked. New doors are gonna be $8K – and I really ain’t up for ‘donating’ that kind of money, because the owner don’t want to spring for new doors. So we’ll have to settle for what we got for now…… That don’t make it any easier to put up with~!
With porch cleaned up and everything put away – we settled in for more of The Closer.…. we are really enjoying the show and already half way through Season Two now…… got hungry – so air fried some chicken wings while my Queen made fries in the oven. Can’t use the cooking barrel with anything else in the fryer…. but we are learning short cuts now – so we’ll get to it. Did hear the truck is now in the shop – but no word yet when DD will come back to us. Lord – I hope it isn’t the same mess the doors were~~ Keep your fingers crossed for us please. Some random shots from the past couple of days…….
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!