Jeezus what a weird day…….. rolled out after what was actually a fairly decent night’s sleep for a change…… lots of big gray clouds and evidence of a previous apparently decent rain shower before I got up. Slow easy start to what turned into a trying taxing kind of day, dealing with people who just did not ‘get’ what I was trying to talk to them about – but after multiple tries….. almost everything has worked out or at least leaning in that direction. First part of the morning was dealing with financial stuff, which turned into a bigger pain in the touchas than I wanted to deal with – but finally got everything hammered out and on track…… really not that bad – I just hate doing it. A wonderfully [overpowering] brunch by my Queen…. and then onto the next challenge…. Getting our patios door fixed. Texts and emails brought zero response from the group holding our patio door fix hostage….. I finally broke down and called them. (If you fully understood the challenge of talking with these folks, you’d ‘get’ why I don’t want to physically actually talk to them) — After an aggravating several minutes on the phone with them – I think we are getting our doors worked on (and supposedly finished) tomorrow~! I also think – our truck goes into (and supposedly OUT of) the shop tomorrow~!!! I still need to confirm that with the young lady managing that whole thing. We still would have to get the rental cleaned [we have been smoking in it] OOps 😉 and returned to the airport…. buuuuuut — the good Lord willing and the creeks don’t rise…. by Monday after noon, our lives might return to some semblance of normalcy~~ Boy I sure hope so – because nothing has been ‘right’ since we got back from the states.
In between all that hooey we have started watching a new series.. The Closer… we liked it right off of the bat~! Kinda like Bosch….. about 6 episodes into it now – and we look forward to each new episode~!!
Had an awesome little thunderstorm roll through just after lunch…. pretty sure I have said it before, but the thunder is just amazing here – because one good clap just goes on forever as it rolls out across the water. I suspicion because there are no hills or trees or buildings to bounce off of — it just goes and goes and goes. Beautiful~! Only about the third thunderstorm we’ve had since we’ve been here, so it adds a little extra pleasure for me to get to listen to it.
About it…… tomorrow should be interesting as they are supposed to come and take our doors “back to the shop” to work on….. which means leaving a large gaping hole in our living room. I have already come up with a temporary ‘door situation’ while ours are gone – hopefully keeping out the constant barrage of salt we get from the Caribbean…. AWEEEE….. I know – right ?? 😉 I’ll take pictures~~
Good Night Ya’ll ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thankx for stopping in~!