Good God Gerdy what a couple of days………. We went out with dear, dear friends yesterday (Roland and Letty Hall). They live right outside of Atlanta and came and picked us up for a wonderful evening of good food and conversation. It saved us from another day wallering around in Atlanta while we tried to get back to our beautiful little island~! They were supposed to be spending some time up in “The Harm” while we were there – but fate intervened and they couldn’t make it. As it turned out…. fate intervened again when we hit Atlanta and we were lucky enough to connect there. Wonderful little restaurant, good food, nice ambience and wonderful company. We had to weenie out on them once we left the restaurant though. My bride was tired and my groin was killin’ me, so we opted out of the rest of the evening with them. They dropped us back off at our hotel and headed back to their house – while my Queen and I when back to our room and went straight to bed (hence no post last night) This traveling noise has flat taken it out of us. With Angie not feeling a 100% up to snuff – and me a little laid up from the Heart Cath – I guess we just ain’t the young bucks we used to be. I’d like to think we WILL get healed up and pick it back up though~~ 😉
There is such a nightmare to tell you about for the rest of our journey…… but right now I want a nice shower (with clean clothes to get into when I’m finished) and to sleep in our bed~!! To cap the whole FUBAR’d situation off….. our luggage did not great us when we got here….. but we have extra stuff here in the condo – so we’re good. Loved, LOVED, LOVED seeing our new grand Daughter and our Babies – but it is still nice to be back home~~~ More tomorrow…….
Good Night Ya’ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!