I got up yesterday and skipped breakfast knowing I was going to the board meeting I told you about at a place that serves a passable biscuits and gravy. I got there a little bit early so I could eat before the meeting. Since it took 45 minutes to get 2 biscuits and a couple of pieces of sausage – I had to eat during the meeting. Sad thing is – we were the only table in the place….. island time I guess~~ The meeting actually got over in decent time and I was off for what turned out to be a day of headaches and aggravation. I’m not gonna bore you with it, but I finally got home, made me a bite to eat and sat down on the couch to try and de-stress. The next thing I knew, it was almost 01:00 in the morning….. yeppers – I fell dead a$$ asleep~! I guess, age, the day (and some vodka) caught up to me, so that is why there was no post yesterday~~ sorry~
I woke up a couple of minutes before my 05:30 alarm this morning, feeling pretty good. After the sleep I got yesterday, I guess I should~! Made me a couple of pieces of sausage and a couple of eggs for a tasty quick breakfast, gathered up my tools and headed out for what I thought was going to be a long day of painting. I got up to Blues, prepped an area of the wall Jim wanted done first and got ready to paint. Deb didn’t want me to paint anything until she saw and approved the color of the paint. Jim said go ahead and paint that one section – so I did. Paint is “Heineken” green. Lisa (who owns the shop that mixed the paint) did a pretty good job of nailing the color. I quickly knocked out that section of wall. Jim wanted me to wait until Deb got back before I did any other painting, so I spent another couple of hours prepping the rest of the walls that are to be painted, so once Deb approves – all I’ll have to do is paint. Deb finally pinged me after lunch and loves the color – so I guess I’m set for a bunch of painting [again] tomorrow. Probably will have to get a couple more gallons of paint – but the paint shop is just down the road a bit – so I won’t have to go across island to Home Depot~ Yay~!!
Rest of this afternoon was trying to wrap up some stuff that didn’t get done yesterday, still without a heckva lot of success, but I’ll get it. For now, a couple of new pictures and more dive pictures I don’t think I have put up yet.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
‘After’ (It needs second coat)