I went to bed last night reasonably early after a very full fun birthday day. In bed by 22:00 I did not wake up until 08:00 – I was ermazed~! I stumbled out to a mostly cloudy day and started my wake up process. By the time I was good and awake, the skies were once again that beautiful blue and another gorgeous day was awaiting me. I made me a small breakfast and then started about getting some odds and ends done. I noticed on the calendar, today is marked Easter Monday. Now why is it, I have never heard of that ? Is that something new ? Have I not been paying adequate attention these last several years ? Is that something people celebrate now ? Maybe a way to get an extra day off of work~!?! Easter Monday – I guess I am now officially too old for this world.
I finally managed to get a hold of the ‘door dude’ and he actually came out to look at our patio doors. He took some measurements and said he would get back to me with a quote. I certainly hope he’s faster with the quote than he was getting here. I followed that little episode of confusion up, by running up to a place to check on getting the registration for DD renewed. Ouch – it’s going to cost almost as much as registering it did, but – gotta be done. I have to go back up tomorrow to see if she got in the “new” forms for this year. Good grief~~ Wonder what they have been doing since the beginning of the year ? Guess they were waiting for Easter Monday 😉 Followed that up by stopping up at Blues for a couple of drinks…. actually had 4 of them but the best part was it didn’t cost me anything as several good folks bought me a drink for my birthday~!
Back at the condo – I spread out on the couch for a movie (Snow Walkers) – wasn’t bad, but really wasn’t good. Didn’t take any pictures today – but still have LOTS left over from the dives the other day. Speaking of which – I now have a 2-tank dive trip scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday~! So I’ll have lots of pictures to share with you. I’m gonna go up to Blues early tomorrow to finish up a couple of small projects – and then see what the day brings. I ran way over last night – so I’ll cut it a tad short tonight~
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!