Another nothing on the calendar for today (one of the few days like that left for this month – so we took it easy, sleeping in, a late (delicious) breakfast and finishing up the last season of 24. There is apparently another season of it – but Amazon Prime does not have it yet. 🙁 We watched a movie called Still Mine that we liked and have now started a series called Dangerous Journey’s….. interesting, but not sure we’ll watch the entire series. I mean after all, when you’ve gotten used to watching Jack Bauer save the world enough times – gonna be hard for anything to compare to that~~ 😉 Caught up on some paperwork and odds and ends and just had a nice enjoyable day — So I’m gonna sign off here and put up some pictures from the dives yesterday~ Meetings, doctors appointments, possibly another dive and bar backing up at Blues again to round the rest of this week out…….
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!