Rolled out this morning to clouds and a fabulous breeze…. fans are just barely making sleep possible and coming out to a very warm stuffy living space. Opened the doors up for some of that magnificently wonderful cool morning breeze to cool the place off a bit. A early morning doctors appointment, even though it is officially a holiday, meant no breakfast here. We got dressed and headed for the Doc’s office…. arriving a little bit early in anticipation of hopefully good news. They got the vitals out of the way (weight, BP, etc.) and we were soon called into the office. Doc was all smiles as she sat us down and started reading through the report. We didn’t understand some of it – but Doc was smiling and said she could not be happier with what she was seeing~!! The biggest concern was the spot on the lung, and the CT Scan confirmed the same diagnosis from years ago when the first time we saw it. It was a harden benign dark lump (about 5cm) that posed no threat. Exactly what it is cannot be determined without surgery, but tests confirms there is zero danger to it. Woo-Hoo…. happy to hear that, to say the least~!! Doc said, that everything considered, my Queen was actually in pretty good shape….. and while I am elated to hear that, I am not going to stop pushing, until she completes her physical and a ‘woman’ check up. I even brought up a couple of things to Doc that I wanted her to make note of so they get checked out during the physicals. Nothing serious, but things that I want checked on her. Doc smiled, put in the notes and agreed to look at. That done, we had to head out to start blood work for my Queen. Drove across island to where that was to happen – just to find out apparently, those folks, do celebrate Presidents Day. With nothing better to do – we decided to check out a local place called CHOPS, to get some breakfast. I guess this place is the closest thing the island has to an Ihop….. or Ihob depending on how ‘up’ you are on the news. Small, dingy looking place. Not dirty, but not what I call clean. One of the things about a lot of the places on the island that I am still struggling with. If you are a clean freak or maybe a bit of a germaphobe….. you probably won’t want to live on an island. I could go into a ton of details, but because I’m about at my limit….. let’s leave it at that for now. If you have questions… reply to this and I’ll be happy to answer them. I got me a meat lovers omelet with hash browns and my Bride got a short stack. My omelet was unremarkable and my hash browns (when I got them half way through the omelet) was good, but amazingly cold. Angie said her short stack was acceptable.
We stopped by an electronics store (Since we’re going to be here at least another 14 months, I want a bigger TV) but it was closed (more on that later) – back at the condo, we opened up doors long enough to cool the place off a little bit and settled in, secure in the knowledge, there is nothing [physically] wrong with my Queen, 😉 for an afternoon of the amazing Jack Bauer and the drama fest that is 24~! Trying for blood work again tomorrow morning…. we’ll let you know how that goes….
Good Night Ya’ll = = = = = = Thankx for stopping in~!