Woke up to some rain and an angry sea outside my door this morning…. even with those conditions, it is still quite beautiful in it’s own way. The color of the sky, the color of the water and just the over all feel in the air. Quite magical at times. I think my Queen is definitely getting better. She coughed a lot less last night and was a lot less restless (which means we both got a little better sleep) — I was up at my normal time, just a skosh before 07:00. Thankfully, my Bride slept in until around 09:30 this morning. I like it when she sleeps in….. 1. – it’s quiet 😉 but more importantly, 2: I know she is getting the sleep and rest she needs. The bulk of the day was internet stuff — I had some club activities to deal with – and of course – watching Jack Bauer continuing to save the world….. and not much else. So with that dear readers…. I bid you adieu…. and a couple of shots I snapped this morning and some more pix from the past~
Good Night Ya’ll . . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!