Slept like a rock for most of the night last night…. man I love it when I do that~! It was only about 6 hours – but it was one of those really good sound solid sleeps~! Woke up not feeling like I had been beat with a bat~! Not a lot to ramble on about for today. Bulk of the day was spent talking with landlords and realtor…… good news is that our Landlord is willing to renew our lease~! Yay~!!!! Caveat…. is that to keep our rent at current rate – he is requesting use of our second bedroom for a week or two — 2 or 3 times a year. Lot’s of details that I won’t go into here – but my Queen and I are thinking about it, because finding a place here on the island to live now has become damn near impossible and the ones you find [that you like] have rent most people living here can’t afford. We are taking a day or two to think about and discuss it. I have met the guy and we hit it off pretty good. He said he may be bringing a girlfriend with him…. so that’s an unknown….. but I don’t know….. what to do…… what to do……. ? Our realtor has been looking around and after chatting with her the past several days – confirms what I said earlier about availability….. with still a lot of FEMA based people on the island and the 800+ guys coming in to start part of the refinery back up…… real estate of dang near any kind here on the island is at a major premium. We even are discussing buying something, knowing that if we change our minds…. selling it in the next couple of years (or renting it out for income) is an easy option.
Rest of the day was watching movies in between phone calls and texts. Didn’t watch any that was worth mentioning…… Now, because I really don’t have much more for you….. I’m gonna sign off and leave you with more of the best of 2018 pictures. Reminder: We have the appreciation dinner tomorrow evening…. so there is a slightly above average chance – that I will be too FUBAR’d or tired to post anything tomorrow night 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vera~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Good night Ya’ll . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!

As usual, again great pictures,,,,thanks for shout out for my birthday. It was a relaxed kind of day,,,love that, but nothing new, as most of my days are that way, Judy brought super,,,,,yes super to me,,,,,down from Yellow,,,good old bologna and cheese on rye with grilled onions, Fit for a king, never gets old, I vary the bread-bun ever so often,,,also mushrooms with white sauce, somewhat good, but seems can’t put anything in takeout box without contents getting soft and mushy,,,not a good feel for muschrooms,,,but regardless,,,good food from there, we had gone out night before to Los Bravos, as they had the big hockey game to go to last night, 5 year old Jace playing hockey at half time of Evansville’s hockey game,,,they sent video of part to me,,,looked like fun night, so glad they all went, snow lasted night, but tempeature rising,,snow now melting some, I like it, so pretty, but I don’t have to get out,,,.now day full of games, today,,,,Kentucky at 7:00pM and two NFL playoff games,,,so something different to watch, great pictures again,,,,have a great weekend. Hi to Angie,,,love to both,,,💜💜
Sounds like you had a pretty nice birthday Vera — those relaxed kinda days become much more enjoyable as you move along through the ever fast changing calendar pages. Your supper from the Yellow sounds delicious~! Always enjoyed their food. I think almost any food taste better when someone else cooks it 😉 I heard you all are supposed to have some weather this weekend….. sorry to hear that – especially when I’m sitting in 83° weather and gorgeous sunshine….! I hope you enjoy your games…. I quit watching my Colts when they started that whole ‘take a knee’ non-sense. I may have served for their right to do that – it doesn’t mean I have to like it~!
Home earlier than expected from appreciation dinner – and probably shouldn’t be on here writing – but going to try it anyway……. Please have Judy show you how to put my blog in your ‘favorites’…. that way when I am too drunk, tired or stupid and forget to put the link on FB – it will be 1 click away for you to check it. Just tell Judy, you want my blog in your ‘favorites’. I’m pretty sure she’ll know what to do.
Hope you have/had a great evening~!