Rolled out this morning after a very pitiful night’s sleep. I thought I would sleep the sleep of kings after the day I had yesterday (that whole manual labor thing)…. Once again, I think I was subject to being ‘too’ tired……. that and my Queen was having her own tough night. There was a lot of moaning and whimpering and shivering… all, always calmed by pulling her into my back and rubbing and patting her touchas……. I sometimes think she does that simply because she knows my response — but the end result is always the same, her having a great night sleeps and my nights sleep leaving a “little bit to be desired”…… I guess that’s one of the reasons we are still married after 40+ years together……. either way though – I am hoping to ‘catch up’ at least a little bit on tonight’s sleep. I made us a nice breakfast as we lounged and I nursed some slightly more than average sore muscles. I didn’t hurt as bad as I was expecting, but it was painfully obvious, I had not used that set of muscles to that degree in a long, loooooong time. Breakfast finished, we settled in for some boob tube. We had started a new made for Prime series called Goliath with Billy Bob Thorton….. we were wrapping up the second and final season of it. Mildly entertaining, I see why it only went through 2 seasons. We spend the rest of the day lounging and trying to work out sore muscles. Got to be around dinner time and the electricity went out(16:10 hours)…. we went and visited with friends then came back for drinks on the patio enjoying that wonderful cool breeze while we waited for the juice to come back on. (which includes internet). My Queen made minute steaks with taters and peas after the electricity came back on an hour and a half later…. Aaah island life…..
We have now resumed our watch for baby turtles when we go out to smoke. I am popping aspirin to keep tight muscles at bay and looking forward to the nights sleep I was hoping for last night. A couple of new pictures for you that I took of clouds and the almost full moon we have going on down here…… I’ll put up some more pix I’m not sure you’ve seen or not……. Not sure what tomorrow brings….. other than the standard, blue skies, nice trade wind and that beautiful, beautiful ocean.
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!
An almost full moon on the rise
Again…. that is the moon~!