October 1st, 1956…… the day probably one of the most important people in my life made her appearance on this planet. A short 21+ years later, she entered my life….. and nothing has been the same since. It was by all standards a whirl wind romance that culminated in a marriage, 4 Daughters and a lifetime of memories that is by a lot of standards unmatched. There have been disagreements, fights, resolutions and EVERYTHING in between…. but 40+ years later…. we still get along. The newest ‘angle’ in our relationship is that we are together 24/7 …. a new revelation that I am still learning to deal with…. but it gets mostly easier everyday — and today, we celebrated the birthday of my Queen, my bride and my friend…… We started the day out by me making her breakfast of her choice…… we followed that up by heading to the East end of the island to see Point Udall — the Eastern most point of the United States…… from there, we left and headed for Hotel on the Cay…. a beautiful hotel set upon a small chunk of rock, 150 yards off the shore of St. Croix. It has arguably one of the prettiest calmest beaches available. It is, I think my brides favorite beach, and the one she requested for the day. Got out there and got set up with a cabana and a couple of lounge chairs and we were all soon in that gorgeous blue water. Many drinks and a sammich or two later…… we were ready for a shower and some conditioned air. We came back to the condo, got showers out of the way and settled in for an hour or so of electronics time.
Finally loaded up…. and headed to our favorite spot on the island (Blues Backyard BBQ)…… everybody knew it was my Queen’s birthday and she was greeted with a rousing round of “Happy Birthday” and we walked into the yard. We stayed for a handful of drinks including my Queen getting her birthday drink….. Rachael got to meet ‘the gang’ and we all sat, drank and chatted for a bit. I had made reservations at one of the ‘better’ restaurants in town for my brides birthday meal. The place that serves Oysters was closed on Monday’s, so we opted for somewhere else. The Bombay Club……. fairly nice place, inside, minimal A/C and what turned out to be fair to decent food. We had appetizers of Escargot, Calamari and stuffed crab, all which were decent within their own right…… Main courses included Duck…. my Queen had Filet Mignon and Lobster and I had Fettuccini with mussels and scallops [kinda]. Everybody agreed, none of the meals were remarkable, but they weren’t bad. Best part of it was we got to enjoy the event with a Daughter on this wonderfully special day…… We wrapped it up with a couple of pieces of some pretty decent Carrot cake ( I think they loused it up by putting coconut in the icing – but what the hell do I know??) Bellies way past full, we came home to relax and soon to sleep it off.
I have a 2 tank dive tomorrow while Rachael and my bride do their thing (Mani/Pedi’s I think) – so should have lots of fun pix for you tomorrow as well.
Good night Ya’ll—– Thanx for stopping in~!
Point Udall
My Queen enjoying her day~~ <3