Got in bed early last night ( you know us folks getting OLD)……. Shortly after 22:00 hours ((that’s 10:00 PM for all you civilians out there) and brought back to life at almost exactly 06:15… damn bladder…….. Got early news that Daughter # 3 is coming in to see us~! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah~!!! Got up….. coffee’d… and woke up and started in on getting the place spruced up to see our Daughter Rachael~! My Queen started in on our laundry that needed done, while I got my ‘my’/’her’ bathroom cleaned up. I made the bed, ‘Swiffered’ the room and made sure everything was ship shape for her arrival. While my bride ‘did laundry’ – I also put up dishes, swept the entire place, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the big wall of glass from our living room to the back porch for that fabulous view and in general got the place ready. Angie finally came back with laundry… I put up my stuff and helped make the bed…… It got to be 13:00 and time to head for the air port~! Loaded up into DD and away we went…… We got there just time to hear the plane touch down and it wasn’t 15 minutes before we saw Rachael coming through our one and only arrival gate~! It is always great to see familiar faces come through that door….. so, SO much better when it is family~! Lots of hugs and kisses later…. we headed over for Rum shots and to pick up luggage. A fairly short ride back toward the condo as we pointed out some of the eccentrics of the island. Everybody agreed empty belly’s needed tended to, so we stopped at a place close to the condo that had reputedly ‘the best fries’ on the island…… a choice that bade well to the moment……. pulled in and was greeted with a wonderful delicious display of food…… we picked out what we wanted. REALLY interested in some fries… the best fries on the island” we were promptly informed we don’t “do” fries……. DAMMIT Emmit~! If I can ever remember WHO told us this place had the best fries on the island — I fully intend to kick their ASS~!! Anyhow…. we all ordered something different…. fish, turkey wings, chicken gizzards, corn bread, rice and some other stuff….. ordered it to go, as some conditioned air sounded really good at that point….. we wound up quickly back at the condo and noshed while we ‘caught up’. Bellies full, we went out and looked at turtle nests and talked about the fun things that go on at our beach every day….. crabs, birds, waves, etc.
(ANOTHER new nest ((# 24)) this morning… but suspect she never ‘finished’)
We are now scanning the beach for turtle babies and enjoying that cool night breeze —- can’t wait to see what the next week brings and sharing it with you~!
Good night Ya’ll …… Thankx for stopping in~!