After a mostly FUBAR’d night of sleep for Michael and me….. primarily because our two ‘hens’ sat out on the patio and ‘clucked’ until entirely too friggin late…. we rolled out of bed this morning with only minimal hangovers. We tried to be good boys and not drink until we fell out of chairs, but our Queens had other idea’s……… Any how — we got up, tried to wake up, gathered up our gear, chairs, drinks and loaded up DD for a trip to Cane Bay. Arguably one of the best places on the planet for snorkeling and diving….. and yay us…. we were doing both~! Michael wanted to make another dive and I of course, had to tag along to document it. One of the points of interest we were going to hit on our dive was Sea Biscuit — the largest ‘Sea horse’ on earth. We went with Greg again who did a capitol job leading the dive. After an entirely toooo long of a surface swim [depending on who you ask] – Greg finally motioned to sink to the ocean floor. After a brief mask adjustment, we all sunk to about 20′ and away we went. Wasn’t but a couple of minutes before Sea Biscuit came into view. We stopped for the appropriate photo op and then were off to swim an absolutely beautiful reef filled with some of the biggest fan corals I have ever seen. Greg eased us out North just a little bit so Michael got to get a glimpse of ‘the wall’. Even as a diver now with a little bit of experience…… I can tell you, it can be intimidating to swim upon a crest that drops from 35′ to over 3000′. I feel safe saying, Michael was duly impressed. We finished the dive after about 35 minutes, seeing a ‘go-zillion‘ different fish and a big pretty sting ray~! Greg did a really good job leading the dive. After a post dive review, Greg took off, we decided a drink was in order to celebrate the dive. We moseyed (yes mosey is a thing) over to Eat at Cane Bay and had drinks, some fish sammiches, some wings, shrimp, conch fritters, burgers and fries…… and some more drinks. Appetites and thirsts sated – we headed back across the road for more snorkeling. What another great afternoon. By 3:00 we were all pooped…. sun and watered out……. We agreed the plan was to go back and chill a bit….. which led to a couple of short naps for the rookies 😉
We finally got up and moving and decided the plan of action was to hit Blues for a drink or two…… yea, yea – go ahead and laugh……. and then stop at KFC for some chicken~! We wound up shutting down Blues and headed for KFC. The KFC near us finally reopened about 2 weeks ago, and I have been dying for some of it…….. and tonight – it happened~!! Butter my butt and call me a biscuit did it happen….. I’m pretty sure I’ll be laying eggs by morning…. but it was soooooo worth it~! (I think) 😉 Everybody has now had their showers and the damn neighbors are already in bed sleeping off what I hope was a day as wonderful to them as it was to us. My Queen is catching up on her stuff and I presume will be heading for bed shortly. I am going to load up a bunch of pictures from today, close the place up – and follow suit as quick as I can.
Our damn neighbors are going home tomorrow 🙁 As a good send off — we plan on going to Toast Diner for the mother of all send offs. This place makes a wonderful breakfast and has an AWESOME Bloody Mary bar….. hehehehe…. we’re gonna make sure our damn neighbors get to sleep on the flight home….. 😉
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!