Another day started off a lot earlier than I personally think it should have – but again, excited boys and a Mom that stays right after them….. I get it. The rest finally rolled out and got to the business of waking up and before long little bellies were growling. Boys all had cereal this morning while my Queen whooped up a right fine mess of biscuits and gravy….. Hmmmm good stuff~! Bellies full and everybody ready to go – we loaded up the bus and headed for Hotel on the Cay (pronounced Key). Arguably one of the prettiest beaches on the island and perfectly suited for kids. The water is always crystal clear and calm, the shore tapers off nicely so even little fellers can get out a ways from the shore. Lots of small fish to look at – and when you have Dad’s and Pa-paws diving for you – you get to see some cool crabs and conch shells and stuff. We spent the whole morning out there watching boats go by, and just having an outstanding time. We had some snacks to keep the energy level up a little bit and some water to stay hydrated. We spent the bulk of the morning and the first part of the afternoon out there, before gathering up all of our stuff and taking the boat ride back to the boardwalk.
We came home, got showered up and headed out the door for supper. It took several attempts before we finally found a place – but wound up at Over the Edge and they did a great job for us. There was roast beef sammiches, chili dogs, hamburgers, pizza and calzones. There was a fairly rousing game of BINGO going on while we were there – and while we didn’t play – I did manage to win a free drink for being able to be the first one to produce a PADI card….. Yay me~! Pizza toppings were really good, but the crust left a lot to be desired — so I’m still on that search for the best island pizza……. 😉 Bellies full, we loaded back into the bus and enjoyed a cool evening breeze on the drive home. Kiddlies already in bed, others watching the idiot box – and I’m here regaling you of our day. ( I secretly think they are all worn out – they just don’t want to admit it….. it’s all I can do to keep my eyes open) — So I’m gonna get some pictures put up for you from the day and hit the sack.
Good night Ya’ll …… Thankx for stopping in~!