In anticipation of my Honeybear and her family arriving Friday… I spent the morning running to get several things accomplished for their visit. After the first effort—- I had to stop for a drink to calm my nerves and keep from throat punching some people…… Luckily I wound up at Blues Backyard BBQ to help that effort…….sure put a dim out look on the rest of the day though – but I soldiered through to get the rest of my tasks accomplished. Entirely too much horse $hit to go into here and I am fairly sure you don’t want to hear about it anyway…. just suffice to say, that by the time I got back to the condo – upon seeing me, my bride handed me a beer and 3 aspirin when I walked in the door. Exasperating as the morning was, I actually got a lot accomplished which will make our lives and our visitors lives much more enjoyable~! We had just enough time to clean up and head out to meet the couple I mentioned last night (Dave & Joann). We met at Eat @ Cane Bay — we ordered drinks and spent the next 3 hours drinking, eating, drinking, drinking and enjoying each others company. Good people who I think we will have a nice long relationship with. More about them as we get to know each other a little bit more (I think I may finally have me a dive buddy~!)…….
Finally made it back to the condo…… sucking up some much needed conditioned air. Catching up on news and the goings on, on FB. Chatting via text with our baby who will be here in 2 days with her babies…… we are SO stoked~!! Getting caught up there, we got the most awesome phone call from our damn neighbors……. they have been ‘threatening’ to come see us since we left (last September)….. knowing them as the alcoholic lushes they are…. we figured we wouldn’t see them until our next visit back to the continental U.S. LOW and BEHOLD — they have booked a flight and will be here to see us in mid August~!! WOW — butter my butt and call me a biscuit~!!! I’m not entirely sure our beloved island is going to be ready for that… Seriously, I’m thinking about notifying the Coast Guard…… really~!…. tie me to an ant hill and smother my ears in jelly~! We were a lethal combination in the small safe haven of the town of Hysteric New Harmony….. I can only imagine the “damage” that can be done on a tropical island (with an open container law!!) For my girls reading this…. please keep some cash in reserve – we may need bail money 😉
Cooled off…… caught up [mostly]…… I am in serious need of a shower and some shut eye. I have another long day of running before my Honeybear gets here~!!! I think I have a few dive pictures left and some random shots as I ran around today….. I hope you enjoy them~!
Good night Ya’ll …… Thankx for stopping in~!

Dave & Joann