Woke up a hellva lot earlier than I wanted to this morning but rolled on out cause of the whole having to take a whizz thing. Beautiful sunrise as usual while watching the waves break onto our ever growing wall of Sargassum seaweed. Lazed around with coffee and catching up on the events going on back in the states. Had a nice big breakfast…. first one in a week….. I have opted to start doing the small breakfasts like I used to do when I was gainfully employed. It’s easier on the belly (and the budget) and may actually be a little better for me.
Chatted with a new realtor today about getting the house back up on the market. He sent a market analysis and thinks we are asking to much for the house. He also mentioned several other items that turned out to be a bit of a gut punch, but we have to face the harsh reality of it and move on. We really want and need to get the house sold. We have a call scheduled now for Monday to discuss terms, selling prices, etc. to be able to get it back up on the market. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.
Watched the idiot box and just lounged the other parts of the day…. probably going to do more of that tomorrow as well – in the meantime – I still have a bunch of pix from the dive yesterday – so here ya go……
Good night Ya’ll …… and thankx for stopping in~!

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