Dad’s Birthday………

July 6th…… my Dad’s birthday……..I’m not one usually into a lot of that happy heavenly birthday stuff….. but I thought a little bit more about my old man today than usual. Dad died when I was still fairly young (31) and for reason’s I’ll probably never figure out or understand…. he was on my mind a lot today….. I wondered what he would think about my life decisions…… Dad was not what most people would consider a model Father…. but I don’t really care…… through good and bad, I thought my Dad was one of the greatest dudes on the planet – good and bad factored in. I wonder what he would think about my decision to up and leave everything I’ve known and what was ‘comfortable’ to me. To leave my kids and grandkids behind to pursue what I wanted to do. I’d like to think he’d be proud of me…… being raised in an era today’s kids will probably never understand — it’s something kids my age didn’t hear a lot…. at least I didn’t. I like to think he was proud of me…… but it is and will remain a question in my brain until I check out. I hope there is not a lot of “kids” my age with the same question nagging at them……. think the best and move on…. it’s easier that way…… but what ever the answer — Happy Birthday Dad — wherever and however you are.

Wow – with that out of the way — another wonderful day on a tropical island…. even though we have a fully classified hurricane aimed directly at us. (Beryl) I have faith it will peter out before it gets to us and I will have the opportunity to get some damn righteous pictures of a small scale hurricane as it blows past us. Most of you that know me, know that I am the weirdo, when a nasty weather front came through, threatening a tornado or such – was the one, out strapped to a tree with googles on trying to get ‘that shot’……. same thing here, except it will be a palm tree I strap to and using my diving mask for eye protection. Something about the Sea and the colors it turns as a weather front approaches. It turns from those gorgeous blue colors you all are familiar with to an awesome black…. kinda like it’s angry….. absolutely beautiful~! Obviously don’t want to get hit with a full scale hurricane… but really want to get the shots I have rolling around in my brain……. more as Beryl gets closer~~~

Spent the vast majority of the day working on legal type paperwork. Good for frayed nerves and a nasty headache – but some things are just unavoidable. My Queen wanted to go to Blues for dinner, so we loaded up and hit our favorite spot. Her favorite band – Blues Experience was playing tonight while we dined on my Smoked Turkey Bacon Ranch sammich and she had a steak sammich without the bun….. Fully sated with a delightful meal and about half in the tank – we motored back for some conditioned air and a shower. Never did make it downtown…… Dammit Emmit~!  😉

Good night Ya’ll …… Thankx for stopping in~!


Jim & Debbie



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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

5 thoughts on “Dad’s Birthday………”

  1. Ok ,,,which guy is this, don’t think Mike or Jim,,,or am I wrong? Anyway, HI BACK AT YA,,,whoever you are, I making another friend? can’t believe missed reading this yesterday,,,,also belated Happy Birthday to your dad,,,I really liked your dad, he had some insurance with us at Farm Bureau Insurance,,,so I saw him off and in there, and also around town,,,good guy,, enjoyed this and today’s pictures and blog,,,keep them coming, have something to look forward to each might,, of which, am now into tomorrow….so good morning from your neighbor,, well at least once was,., 💤💤

  2. Sorry,,,saw it was Tim,,,so,,,HELLO THERE TIM,,,may have a hard time keeping you all straight, but so far just three,,so think I have it,,,,TIM, you, MIKE and JIM, have been lucky,, Bill and Angie have come into your lives, or you have come in theirs,,,either way, your gain,,,these are great folks,,,we were neighbors and friends,,,they are young, I am old, (86) they like to party, I don’t drink , but still I consider them good friends and they are great people,,,thanks, Bill for introducing all these people to me,,does Tim work at Blues too, or was he part of band, or just a customer?

    1. Hi Vera,
      You actually had 2 comments each on the last 2 blogs, although they were duplicates, they did make it into the blog. You have most of the people correct – only one correction… the guy you are calling Mike is actually Eddy.
      Eddy and Tim are the 2 main bartenders – You have also met Jim – he is one of the owners.
      Thank you for the kind words. I’ll make sure Tim sees your reply.
      I hope it has cooled off for you a little bit up there. We are supposed to get the remanents of Hurricane Beryl tomorrow. I’m kinda looking forward to that as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. Hopefully will get some fun pictures out of it.
      Godd as always to hear from you. Take care of yourself.

  3. Bro Bill! How the Hell you doin? Rather foolish of me to ask after reading some of your latter post.

    Dad? Dad? Ain’t a damned wrong with that. Bro. Your just gettin closer to Dad’s age, you’re a little wiser and probably like your Dad, you’re your own Man.

    You and the Queen have taken care of so many for so long, while putting yourselves in fourth or fifth place. And that’s okay, too. Brother, You deserve the lifestyle you’re living now.

    You still know you’re limits. You can still say no, when you can remember the words. You know you need a sheet tied to your butt, jumping out of a perfectly good flying airplane. You know to put a tank on you back when you go lookin for Davey Jones.

    Thinking of your Dad is a food thing, Bro. As you said, good and not so good, He left a lasting impression on you.

    Take care and be careful, but most of all – Have fun.

    Bro Rick

  4. Hey Brother~!
    Good to hear from you again…. Thankx for the words. I have always struggled with the fact that I ‘deserve’ anything in this life — but have got down right comfortable with the fact that I damn well earned everything I’ve got….. and I’m good with that~! We’re doing great – as I hope you are. You’re getting closer to your magical date — I’m happy for you and can’t wait to hear some of your retirement tales.
    Take care of yourself Brother~!


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