Not a lot to chat about really…… I’m afraid it’ll be more rattling on than anything. Last couple of days have been a lot of ‘work’…..not in the hard in the manual labor sense…. I don’t know, kinda of hard to explain if you don’t understand a lot about diving. It was a lot of photography, a lot of swimming a lot of hands on type training, even though I’m not the Instructor and a pretty good mental press as well. I don’t want to sound like I’m running the Instructor, the shop or the students down, cause I’m really not….. but it’s taken a (more of a mental) toll on me (I’m fine in the ‘How are you’ sense) ….. just a tough couple of days. The family involved have been delightful in about every way you could asked and as we parted ways today, they handed me a tip and thanked me profusely for ‘everything I have done for them the last 3 days’. I didn’t look at the tip until after I got back to the house and let me tell you…. talk about making a feller feel a lot better about the work he’s been doing. Wow~~ One of the biggest tips I have ever got….. ever. I think they are on the boat again tomorrow. I certainly hope so as I feel like I owe them a much more sincere thank you than what they got as I was walking off today. I was tired and had all my gear hung off of my shoulder as I tried to get out of there……
Back here at the house, pictures are all done and posted. I went to log into the bank to check my account like I do almost every single day and they have rolled out a new website with all new security features and all new ways to be a pain in the touchas to get into. Jeeezus I don’t need this crap right now~! I buckled down and in a “brief” 35 minutes was finally able to log into my bank account again…. Dammit Emmit~! See — I told you…… rattling….. sorry. Maybe tomorrow better ?
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!