A fairly decent nights sleep…… a wonderfully tasty breakfast. My Queen even let me make her one of her sammiches for her. She was up way earlier than she should have been considering she didn’t have to be. She [usually] likes to be up to see me off to ‘work‘. Headed out and always forget how peaceful and quiet the roads here on the island are on the weekend. Particularly in the fairly early morning……. I could get used to that. It’s a 20 minute drive to the marina with little or light traffic…. 30-35 minutes any other morning. A little bit bigger boat today, but all decent divers and none really needed any tending to. Viz sucked…. but there ain’t a heckva lot we can do about that. The sea was a bit sporty today but can’t do a hellva lot about that either. Second dive the viz improved and we even had some sharks come up and get friendly with us. I saw one of my big green eels on the first dive so all, in all, it was a pretty decent dive day today.
Pictures are all edited and up….. it is raining ever so slightly. I just told Angie, if it’s not raining when I get home tomorrow, I’m gonna have to mow when I get home. I hate that, but now that the ground has some moisture in it our grass is growing like it used to….. needing mowed about every three days….. I am working tomorrow. The boss has friends coming in and are all getting certified…. so I am shooting like a documentary of the whole process. Working through the weekend. Not a fan, but sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do……. Good thing is…. everything tomorrow is in a pool [training] – and that makes for some gorgeous underwater pictures. Plus I get to use my land camera as well so it ought to be a good ‘shooting’ day for me.
I’m sitting here listening to Angie talk with our oldest Grand Daughter who is on vacation in Punta Cana with her family and celebrating her 15th birthday~! Love the giggling and laughter I’m listening to~~ Okay….. I’m done…. for now~
Happy Birthday my Sugar Pop~!! ♥ ♥
Vera— heads up…. couple of eel shots
Good Night Y’all + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!