I managed to get myself just tired enough tonight that I wasn’t gonna get on here and write……. best laid plans I guess. I comeĀ up with a song though for my FB music trivia that is appropriate [in my mind] for tonight….. and it got me thinking that there is an above average chance….. that I won’t be on here for the next week or so- but I’m gonna do my level best to write at LEAST a couple times while we are back in the land of plenty…….. I don’t want to lose any of you- my faithful readers.. I can almost promise you nothing tomorrow night. We don’t land in Evansville until almost 10:00 at night and that is already WAY past our bed time, so you don’t have to look for anything tomorrow night. Our schedule is starting to fill up pretty quick for our visit back to the states- but I would like to think we’ll get back to the house, a couple of nights, early enough to jump on here and holler out a couple of lines and drop some pictures. For now though—- I’m pooped. A LONG day tomorrow but OH SO worth it to hug and squeeze and kiss kids and grandbabies we haven’t seen in a while………
If I don’t manage to get on here before then….. I hope each and every one of you get to spend some special time with special people, be it family or friends or a magical mix of both and that you have a wonderfully marvelous Thanksgiving~!
Good Night Y’all + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!