Talking about ‘dancing’ with the Manta Ray yesterday….. like I said, I would have loved to seen a video of it….. but that is one big reason I like being behind the camera… I don’t have to be in front of it. There are the exceptions tho…. and that was one of them. I do have a video ‘of sorts‘…… the one in my mind. There are some things in my life I will absolutely never forget [I hope] and I’m sure that my dance with the Manta Ray will be one of them. Something I have seen probably Hundreds if not Thousands of times wishing I could be that person dancing with a Manta Ray…….. now- been there, done that, has the memory~! That made up for the two very ‘challenging’ dives I had that day, that was extremely hard on these old nerves, as well as taxing physically….. but we got everybody back that day safe and sound with some pretty great memories of their own. I even got cut in on the boat tips for the day~! (I’m normally not) -It wasn’t a lot, but it means a lot to me because the rest of the crew are acknowledging my contribution…… besides the business I like to think I bring in because of my pictures.
Today (and tomorrow) is a day off…….. and other than prepping my gear for a very long week, doing some research on Medicare/Medicaid [for my Bride]. I haven’t done much of anything. My Bride made us a wonderful breakfast while investigated. We have got in several episodes of Manifest, before stopping so I can do this……. Tomorrow I’ll probably mow again as the monsoon we had the other night really made the grass spring up~! Aside from mowing…. don’t plan on doing much else…… just like a day off should be.
Good Night Ya’ll ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thankx for stopping in~!