After a reasonably decent nights sleep – I rolled out this morning to answer the call of my bladder….. it was time to get up anyway. I went to bed a little earlier than usual being really sick to my stomach. Not sure what brought it on, but I thought for sure I was going to wind up worshipping the white porcelain god before I was done. I went into the now very chilly bedroom and stretched out and mercifully dropped off almost immediately to sleep…… and woke up feeling good. Angie made us a delightful breakfast and the rest of the day was spent doing NUTHIN‘~! In every sense of the word… Nothin‘~! Short of ordering birthday presents for Will’s birthday – I did as little as I absolutely could. I had [briefly] entertained mowing and weed eating today…… but the grass is only ‘long’ in a couple of small spots…… factor that in with it looked like could rain AND the fact I really didn’t want to mess with it…… I somehow, miraculously talked myself out of it…….island life~! I’m going to hate myself later for it – but for today….. I’m good with it.
Touching on the title of this blog…… looks like we’re coming back for Thanksgiving. We had originally decided we were not going to come back this year……. primarily because of all the COVID Bull $hit……….. and had resigned ourselves to that fact we weren’t…. which is pitiful because we really wanted to see our family and hesitant because of the broke di sorry people we have running our government. Our Daughters however took another path. I have to presume they thought we couldn’t afford it [mostly] and they got together and came up with enough money to buy my Bride and I plane tickets back to the states. How can we not go back after a gesture like that ?? Angie cried her eyes out when she found out about it……. I had a lump in my throat that was hard to swallow….. but us real ‘manly men‘ don’t cry……. so lump swallowing it has to be. Tickets have been purchased and we are both eagerly looking forward to spending some time in the land of plenty with our kids and Grand Babies. (I personally hate the thought of the travel, but getting there outweighs it) PLUS – it should not be overly bitterly cold there……yet. And I don’t want to hear about anybody doing a snow dance of some kind ‘for our benefit‘. We will get in late on the 21st of November and fly out early in the morning on the 2nd of December. There are a handful of folks we have to make a point to see while we are there – and I like to think most of you know who you are……. If you’d like to get together with me and/or my Queen — please reach out and let me know. You can reply to this, PM us on FB or text me at 812-480-2336 and let’s get together~! In the meantime — Stephanie and family are due in, in a couple of weeks and we are besides our selves in anticipation~! Can’t wait~!
Good Night Ya’ll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stoppin in~!