Howdy Ya’ll…….
Yesterday snuck up on me after doing a two boat day (4 dives)…… that takes it’s toll on the young guys doing it – it really whoops up on us old fellers…… but I hung in and pulled my weight all the way up to the point I humbly crawled into my truck and popped open a no longer icy cold Budweiser……….. no longer icy cold – but tasted wonderfully delicious at that point. I made a nice long comfortable drive back to my end of the island – nursing that not so cold beer….. and enjoyed every. friggin’. drop. of it~! My Queen was waiting on me and started plying me with Vodka right off the bat. I did manage to get in an extra bottle of rehydrate, so getting dizzy was kept mostly at bay. I sat and dutifully uploaded almost 600 pictures from the long day. I got most of the pictures done before I succumbed to a nice cool shower and crawled into fresh washed sheets. Tonight there would be none of that laying there and rearranging the bed for 3 or 4 hours before finally fading off to sleep. I don’t think I moved after my touchas hit those fresh washed sheets a little after 9:00….. not until about 04:30 when I finally gave in to the pressure on my bladder. Got that taken care of and right back into bed….. snuggled down in all of the awesomeness of air conditioning…. making myself snooze in 10 minute intervals and finally crawling out to start my day today at 05:35…..
One boat today – 2 dives….. kind of an eclectic group – but I did my photographer thing and got a couple of nice shots for everybody on board today. Our visibility in the water has finally come back and we are close to our usual 100+’ for our diving. It’s awesome when you’re swimming just off the face of an long ago water falls, looking at the grooves cut out from years of water going over it, knowing that you have almost 3000′ of water below you……. awesome~! Just signed up to do another ‘double’ boat tomorrow…. so will probably not get much posting done again….. I dunno — might try a little something different. Got to make sure I keep in touch with you all…… and show you what I get to look at during my dives~!
Good Night Ya’ll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stopping in~!