This past week has been just an absolute whirlwind for us old folks…… geeesh….. just almost impossible to see where the time went so dang quick….. It seems like Amanda and company got in here and one really good eye blink later they were gone……… it was a sad, tearful, wet good bye at the airport as we sent everyone back to the Land of Plenty…….. the island was sad every one was leaving and wept openly as we headed for the airport (rained)…… sadly, one of the very few places law enforcement chooses to do their job the way it is supposed to be done, is there at the drop lanes at the airport…… a$$wipes….. people saying goodbye to their loved ones, you would think they would cut folks a little bit of slack – especially since they don’t enforce the $%^&* law anywhere else on the island…. bunch of a$$hats…… but we did our hugs and kisses quickly and left our visitors to deal with the circus that is our airport……. We told them we were only 15 minutes away if something stupid happened that they needed us. It was a quiet somber ride back to the house. Once there, we straightened up a little bit – put away the stuff donated to us they didn’t use……. made a drink and just sat in front of the fan quietly. Neither of us in the mood for chatter. So – so– so great to have visitors here on our beautiful little island……. and it may be just me — but the hole they leave when they go back to the states seems to be getting a little bit bigger and a little bit deeper each time someone goes back…… Text messages kept us informed of travel and we breathed a little easier when we knew everyone was back safely. A mostly restless night sleep for both of us as we struggled to deal with the fact we would not get to see those faces in the morning again……. part of the price you have to pay for this life style.
Up and at it for both of us this morning……. My Bride went to work at Blues for a little bit and I once again reclaimed ‘my spot’ on the boat. Dives were fun, lots to see…… vis mostly sucked….. Happily my Queen was home by the time I got there….. she brought Mickey-D’s for dinner/supper…… we’re havin’ drinks and dealing with other life’s little difficulties now….. and life goes on here in our little piece of paradise…… albeit a little bit quieter…… 😉
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!