After a mostly wonderful nights sleep, following a wonderful day of diving with family — we were still up a little early – but that was in part from going to bed a little early…… I think all the ‘divers’ in the group were a little extra tiredÂ đŸ˜‰Â My Bride and I took it easy for most of the morning until we got the call that everyone was fit for company. We headed down for another wonderful day on the beach. Drinks, laughs, family, sunshine and that gorgeous blue water. I brought along my little GoPro — and it took turns circulating around the group. I just barely got them uploaded — but haven’t got to edit any of them yet – so I’m gonna put up the rest of yesterdays pictures for tonight.
Grant, Shawn, Dave and me are going to play a short round of golf tomorrow. For me and Shawn, it is a chance to drink beer and enjoy the sites….. I think Grant and Dave may actually try to golf…… but we’ll see. I have actually played the course we are going to tomorrow – and it is gorgeous – so I’ll have lots of pictures from there as well. For now – I’m going to try to come up with a song for FB and then take my tired old touchas to bed…….. I’m pooped and tomorrow promises to be a very full day. (The plan is to come back and I’m gonna grill burgers, dogs and chicken for my Indiana family and our Island family)……. should be a real good time~!!
Good Night Ya’ll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stopping in~!