Up and ‘at em‘ early this morning after a refreshing nights sleep…… my Bride was still snoozin’ when I headed out for Salt River and another morning on the dive boat. Winds picked up as the day when on and by the end of the second dive…. it was quite ‘sporty’ on the boat. A term we use in front of the guests instead of saying rougher than hell. 😉 Pretty tames dives, both of them — I didn’t even see a shark…… dammit Emmit~! That’s 4 dives in a row without any sharks to speak of…… Dammit Emmit~! Oh well, they’ll be back~~
Back at the house, gear rinsed, pictures uploaded….. I worked [mostly] patiently to get all my stuff done before tying into the big brown box sitting there from Monterey California…… yes – it was all my new lighting gear and I was like an 8 year old at Christmas wanting to get to it. Opened everything — yay—- everything I ordered was there…. yay — I recognized most parts and starting piecing it together….. couple of gasps here and there as I couldn’t figure a couple of things out…. even after reading the instructions several times…. You Tube to the rescue~! I fiddled with my new lights until I got hungry….. I laid them down long enough to grill up some burgers for my Queen and me. I inhaled a couple of burgers and went right back to getting to know my lights~! A huge step up from where I was at….. and I haven’t even addressed the big new video light yet. I have at least 3 dives tomorrow (2 on the morning boat and shooting some shots for a friend in the afternoon)…… so I should get LOTS of practice with them tomorrow. I do intend to take my old lights with me just in case something goes horribly wrong….. I hope I can sleep tonight – without thinking about my new challenge tomorrow~!!!! I have a couple of pictures of my ‘toys’ but haven’t got them uploaded yet…. will get some tomorrow of the whole set up and then put them up…. until — some new pix for you from yesterday……..
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!