After a fairly tiring day that followed a very tiring day….. we decided kinda impromptu to go out for dinner. Probably did not think that all the way through as we both had ‘several’ drinks in us at that point – but it seemed like a good idea at the time. We cleaned up a little bit and headed down the road to our little spot we always go. Pulled in and I came around to get the door for my Queen when I realized that my tail gate was down and that some of my dive equipment that was in the bed of the truck was no longer in the bed of the truck….. dammit Emmit~! I apparently had a tad more to drink than I suspected – as it never occurred to me to drive back down the road and look for said missing stuff. Hey…. I’d been drinkin’, I was starving and we had a reservation….. so it made sense to just go on in and eat. By the time we left….. I had forgot about said items until we came back out to the truck (in all fairness…. I did a birthday shot with a young lady celebrating her birthday ((the young lady in blue sitting behind us in the first picture)) I think it was 151, but what ever it was – it sure packed a wallop… yowsa….) …. and didn’t even cross my mind to look for my lost stuff on the drive back. Long story short — made it back to the house safely…. but in NO condition to do much of anything other than fall into bed. I got up this morning…. with not a lot of pep in my step – forced a small breakfast into me and went out to gather my stuff for today’s dives. Thankfully, I didn’t lose anything last night that was vitally important. Just my gear bag and I was about ready to replace it anyways cause it was getting pretty ragged. I sure hated to lose the stuff I had squirreled away in the end of the bag though….. probably $200 worth of ‘goodies’ in there for whatever might come up in minor emergencies. (Aspirin, Rolaids, extra fin straps, etc.) DAMMIT Emmit~! Some lessons you just need to learn the hard way I guess……it could have been a LOT worse~!
A couple of [thankfully] pretty tame dives today. No Sharks or anything where I could have lost an appendage…… and I was soon back at the house. Rinsed my gear….. edited and put up pictures… finally ran into town and got a new gear bag (Dive Shop owner/neighbor has decided he likes it when I drink)…… a couple of other items to keep me in the game and I’m good to go. My bride has fed me some (fairly nasty) fish sticks, Mac-N-Cheese and some green and orange stuff…… may have to sneak a burger in later……. not sure. The plan, not do a friggin’ thing for the next 2 days before I put in a very long week of diving in anticipation of being out for a week or so when our youngest Daughter and her crew come in…… although I’ll probably have to mow the yard tomorrow or Sunday. We got that much needed rain so I’m back to mowing about every 3-4 days….. dammit Emmit~! JUST got invited to a friends house for dinner tomorrow afternoon. They live out on the East end on a mountain top – so an above average chance there will not be any kind of post tomorrow………….
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!