Today’s boat got cancelled and somewhere in the midst of the night – got rescheduled…… only having 3 paying customers on board though made for a pretty skimpy load – sure is easy to keep track of everybody though~!! I dutifully showed up and took pictures…. even though the one full paying customer had a nicer camera than I’ll probably ever have…… but those kind of things happen. I took pictures and acted as happy as I could be, to be there. My belly was giving me fits (not really sure why) and that makes it tough to keep a smile on your face when you’re afraid you’re gonna drop a boom-boom in your swim trunks…. in front of people no less~~~ I made it [happily] through both dives and got the boat unloaded (again, thankfully only 10 tanks today)…. before jumping in my truck and racing back to the house.
My Queen was at work, so I had the place to myself, while I sat, edited pictures, dried off and listen to it absolutely pour rain for about an hour. Not complaining – because even after an almost full day of rain yesterday – we still need it terribly. My Queen has pinged me 3 times now in the last hour and a half saying she is done with work….. not terrible sure I understand why it’s taking her that long since it’s only a 30 minute drive….. but I know she is ‘surprising’ me with Gusto Pizza~!! Hopefully she rolls in here soon…… or I’m gonna have to go look for her…..dinner ain’t that friggin’ important…. even pizza~!
Taking the day off tomorrow to get a couple of things done before Little Sister and the Michigan crowd gets here and takes our little island by storm. Should be a fun week with them. I will try and keep up with blog and FB trivia….. but hard tellin’ what’s gonna happen……. you can bank on the fact it will be fun….. and there will be pictures……. I hope.
Good Night Ya’ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thankx for stopping in~!