Slept in [actually] a little bit after a mostly pitiful nights sleep….. not sure what has changed, but I am waking up every 2 hours to whizz…. that also includes right after I first go to bed……. aggravating as hell, but until I figure out what’s causing it – but my options are thin. Anyway – up, caught up on world events and taking it easy starting the day. Somewhere around 10:00, the island ‘kids‘ showed up for a Sunday breakfast of Biscuits and gravy…. which included, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon~! What a great way to start a day~! The kids hung out and chatted for a while before my Bride decided to drag out a card game….. kinda…. the game is Cards Against Humanity….. not your regular card game, by any means…… but with the right people it is hilarious and and lot of fun. Our ‘kids’ are the right people……. Today was supposed to be my day to gorge myself on a big breakfast [√] and plop my big nash on the couch for the rest of the day and watch football. Something I haven’t done in almost 4 years. A long story about why I was going to today, but not really relevant to the story. Instead we played cards….. and laughed and had a wonderful time. Game time came up and I did turn the channel – but we continued to play cards while we listened to the game. It got to be late enough and booze was flowing by then (go figure) that we needed something else to eat — chips came out and shortly after pizza and ham sammiches (from a local bar). Both games progressed – we all took turns winning our card game while the Buccaneer’s actually messed around and beat the Packers………
The kids have since packed up and headed back to the mountain top while I sit and wait for the next game to start……… very fun, very relaxed, very much enjoyed kinda day. Got a couple of dives scheduled for tomorrow morning and what looks to be a fairly busy week to follow as I try and get my paid photo shoot done for my FL client….. should be a interesting fun week to say the least.
Good Night Ya’ll * ** * * * * ** * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!