SORRY about missing last night….. no notice or anything – but it was the first night the island was [mostly] opened back up and a buddy was playing at Blues– so it made for the perfect excuse to travel to mid island…………… morning started off like usual…. I didn’t get grass cut because it rained off and on enough to keep it too wet to cut…… and nothing else got done….. we didn’t even watch any movies. Just odds and ends until it was time to take off. Heading towards mid-island, you couldn’t see anything in the distance because of rain coming down. It quit by the time we got to Blues – but the water we went through let us know that we missed a hellva down pour~! Found a spot in the weeds to park and walked into a crowd of old friends already celebrating the fact they got to sit [at the edge] of a bar and drink with friends. Everybody was mostly soggy because of the downpour – but that just makes for a little more enjoyment when you are with that particular group of people. Our buddy was on stage doing his thing while we drank and listened (and occasionally helped him sing). Just a truly wonderful night – to be back out amongst friends and not have to deal with that STUPID virus stuff. We drank and laughed until almost closing time, when I ”called it”. Paid our tab and carefully navigated our way back to our end of the island.
A pretty calm day today…. tasty breakfast… I ran into town to pick up that new pair of booties I was supposed to get yesterday. One of my very favorite Dive Masters [Anna] was working the store along with a ‘newbie’ [Aimee] – so once I got my booties picked out – I hung out and chatted JUST long enough for the skies to open up and for it to start raining like a cow pi$$ing on a flat rock…… DAMMIT Emmit…. there went getting the yard mowed [again]~! Before we moved out here – I ‘knew’ the West end of the island was the ”wet” end of the island….. but this is almost out of control this past several weeks~! That too shall pass. My Queen and I finally sat down to watch movies. First one was an older one with J-Lo and that good looking dude from Person of Interest [that my Queen really likes] called ANGEL EYES. A little bit predictable, but over all not terrible….. a strong 7+. Second one was DAD WANTED… again a tad predictable and ‘dubbed’ into English…. but still fun to watch – solid 6. Just started another one pointed out to me by dear friend Roland – My Octopus Teacher……. but before I could get good and ‘into’ it – texts from our Damn Neighbors pulled me away. Such a long story…… and due mostly to inappropriate language…. I won’t share it with you…….. but these two people reached out and in an act of kindness I’ll probably never be able to repay – have made sure that I [and my Queen] can come back to the states whenever we want without worrying about how to pay for it. They wanted to make sure I could get back to see my little Sister in case things take a rapid turn for the worse. So far – I am at an absolute loss for words on how to thank them………… but I will….. please be patient.
Scheduled a couple of 2-tanks boat dives for Monday and Tuesday……………!
Good Night Ya’ll~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thankx for stopping in~!