Slept in a little bit [until ALMOST 07:00] and rolled out to a reasonably cool day with gorgeous blue skies (and intermittent island rain showers) and a nice casual start to a Saturday morning. I had a DSD to shoot pictures for this morning, but it wasn’t until’ noon~ish, so I got to relax and comfortably get all my morning stuff out of the way. I also had ample time to charge up my camera and my batteries for my lights. I have recently got my shipment of rechargeable batteries for my lights…… there was another lesson I had to learn pretty quick – rechargeable batteries work nothing like conventional batteries…. they don’t ”hold” a charge like regular batteries….. but live and learn……. everything charged and loaded into the truck – I headed into town for my photo-shoot. A single diver although he had his gorgeous girlfriend with him that wanted nothing to do with getting underwater……. he filled out his paperwork, got sized for his gear and we were soon off for a dive. This particular Instructor was new to me, and had a style I was not quite used to – but we made the dive work while he managed his student and I floated around getting pictures of the event. Recent ‘storm’ activity here on the island made visibility under the water a friggin’ mess… but I did what I could to get a decent picture. Visibility in the water where we were at is usually like bath or aquarium water….. today – not so much. Hey, ya gotta play the hand you were dealt. The dive went reasonably well and I’m satisfied the student was happy with his adventure. I ran home, did a quick edit on his pictures and had them back at the shop [on a flash drive] within an hour and a half of the dive.
While I scurried to get my gear rinsed and hung and get picture editing done, my Queen mentioned she saw a car on FB that she would really like me to look at….. okay – let’s figure something out. Some where between editing pictures, dumping them into a hard rive, dropping said hard drive off at dive shop… we also managed to look at a cute little white Sebring convertible. My Bride took it for a test drive, I crawled my big ole fat nash [as far] under the car as I could to look for oil leaks. Me trying to load ‘CASH APS’ on my phone, didn’t work – him trying to load PayPal on his phone, mostly worked…. we finally negotiated a payment and my Queen now has her a new [to her] car…. a convertible no less, like she used to have. The roof doesn’t work – but I’m sure we’ll get that fixed so my Queen will be happy. Car has a trunk on it it that you could get [I’m guesstimating] at least 4 bodies in it…… as long as my Queen is happy with it – I am happy with it….. and I negotiated a price I’m happy with……. geeez what day….. there is a LOT more to the day… but I’m at my limit – so…………
Good Night Ya’ll ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thankx for stopping in~!
Job isn’t finished until the paper work is done~1
Ready to go~!