Up and mostly at it this morning after a very non-descript night. Not good, but not bad. After I got the bulk of my morning stuff out of the way I started assembling my new lawn equipment. Got the weed eater put together and was anxious to try it out, so I fueled it up, cranked it up and away I went. The lawn dude hadn’t done anything in about a month so I had a lot of material to work with. I had about ¾ of it done and had stopped for a smoke when lawn dude pulled up. Although he didn’t sound angry, he wasn’t his happy little self. I suspect word got back to our land lady that a tenant was out cutting the grass (the lawn is supposed to be maintained through them) and I’d be willing to bet she tore his butt up for not keeping it mowed. He proceeded to tell me that he would get it and I could just take the lawn mower back [it was still in the box]. He then proceeded to stomp off to his truck and pull out his weed eater and commenced to go over everything I had just did. It was kinda of funny, because every time he stopped and I walked out to the truck, he’d get back up and go back at it. Truth be told – I was just going to smoke, but it was funny to watch him. It took him the bulk of the day to finally get everything done – but he finally took off. A couple of minutes later, the land lady pulled in, looked around and then took off. Guess she was following up to make sure he got it done. Later on in the afternoon, I went ahead and assembled my lawn mower and tried it out. Next time lawn dude drags his heals….. I’m gonna be ready for it….. although I may have to go looking for work mowing lawns now to justify the purchase 😉
My Queen took off shortly after breakfast to do some shopping and left me here to my own devices. I didn’t get a heckva lot done and just enjoyed a quiet lazy day. She got back and I unloaded the car for her. Rest of the afternoon was pretty quiet. Angie made spaghetti for dinner and his now watching some kind of action flick with soldiers that apparently can’t be killed….. I’m trying not to become interested in it – because I suspicion it is going to become ignorant. It’s called Old Guard and so far is managing to keep my attention has I write this. Tomorrow is going to be a long day on the trails….. 3 tours…. so more mud and dust for me to collect during the course of the day. There will plenty of pictures~! For tonight – rest of the pictures from the ride yesterday.
Good Night Ya’ll: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stopping in~!