Up before I really wanted to be this morning….. but work to be done and obligations to be met – so I got up and mostly ‘at ’em‘ this morning to do it. It gets a bit boring pretty quick, riding the same trails and the same monologue at each ‘scenic overview’ – but it’s not ‘old hat’ to the people on the tour – so you have to generate the enthusiasm the folks on the tour expect – or else it’s no fun for them and you can kiss any kind of tip good bye. I am working on that and using the fact the guide on my tour isĀ a Jarhead [Marine] – and I use that a lot to keep a friendly banter going between us that the folks on the tours seem to enjoy it. I am honing my pictures down and only taking 70-80 pictures per tour now….. that edits out to about 40-50 pictures per tour which is just about right to put up on the FB page for the business. I still need to fine tune it – and will probably have to go to the next step up in internet service – as this mickey mouse outfit I am with now, is killing me with their upload speed…….. I’m gonna have to kick that one around a while before I spring for the money they want…… but two new ‘jobs’ both require uploading LOTS of pictures and it adds an easy our or so, sitting here waiting for some scrawny ass pictures to load…… a leisure pleasure I no longer want to give up because of pissy-a$$ internet service…… more on that later probably…… I put up a lot of my trail pictures on here…… but if you are interested in seeing more – you can check it out on FB – @ Gecko’s Island Adventures.
Tomorrow is Father’s Day…… but since I don’t have any of my girls near me to make a ‘fuss‘ about it – it is just another day for me – and as such – am doing 1 tour tomorrow morning. My bride is trying to do something special for me (even though I am not her Father) – I’m thinking a nice steak dinner in a nice A/C room might be nice – but finding that here on the island will be a challenge – and will probably wind up making us burgers or something for dinner. While I appreciate her effort – it’s just not the same when your kids aren’t near to celebrate the day with you….. AHhhhh, just another price to pay to live an Island Life……..
Already had my shower……. you ever heard a shower gag when you get in it??? NO… not because I’m disgustingly fat [well, I dunno… maybe part of it] – but just from the sheer amount of dirt that comes off of you. I’m getting ready to cool the bedroom off and looking forward to closing my eyes and having all the dust wash the rest of the way out of my eyes….. so until then – we’ll see what tomorrow brings~~~~~
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~~!